Sunday, October 3, 2010

Oh Happiness!

We're gonna get a lil serious with this blog post. Prepare yourself.

Just something I've been thinking about. :)

As this point, I probably couldn't articulate my theology to you. My views are being constantly molded and challenged as I see, experience, and learn new things (especially in stinkin Africa!). It is an almost unbearable struggle not being able to understand God. A million questions are constantly running through my mind. How can I be fully loving and devoted to a God I can't understand? I'm discovering more and more that sometimes the only thing I can do is cling to the things I know: God CREATED me. He knows exactly who I am and who I am meant to be. He is GRACEFUL and MERCIFUL, so much so that He sent His son Jesus to not just cover my sin, but wipe it clean so that I can spend eternity (ETERNITY!) with Him in Heaven. He has UNCONDITIONAL and UNFATHOMABLE LOVE for me. And these things are true for EVERYONE!

Joy and hope and peace can be had in this world! First find it, and then spread it like crazy!


  1. You got it, girl! I know that living abroad can challenge and re-form your worldview and your theology, but it's definitely a healthy thing. Love you!
