Eleven days ago, 32 Americans studying abroad embarked on an adventure down Uganda's dusty, bumpy roads. Destination: Rwanda. And it was a long, LONG bus ride. We left at 5am, and after a good dose of Dramamine, a (slightly) quick brake fix, a stop at the equator, and a bit of a sketchy border crossing, we had arrived! Bare with me as I try to make this explanation sound as exciting as it actually was.

Attending an Anglican church service in Rwanda was the first thing on the agenda. (TCP. It would have blown your minds.) In typical international church fashion, the service lasted a good three hours or so, and included everything anyone would want: praying, dancing, hands flying, etc. My personal favorite: the music! Imagine that. Complete with three different choirs, one would end a song and another would immediately begin, almost Marco Polo style.

I had the chance to help lead Sunday School too! I apologize for the possible exploitation of the children, but they're just so darn cute!

Anyways, now that my heart is completely broken for these lil ones, we'll move on. After church we traveled down more bumpy roads to the border of Rwanda and Tanzania to see a lovely waterfall. Also, it's a marvelous thing being able to be in three countries in two days.

The rest of the week was full of learning! We visited some genocide museums and heard from some survivors about their experiences and how they believe their country is dealing with reconciliation. We also went to centers where widows of the genocide work, heard from American missionaries in Rwanda, and shopped at a fair trade expo. Here's some photos for proof!
We spent the last day of the trip debriefing (aka swimming and jumping off high things) on a beautiful lake in Uganda!
It was TONS of fun, can't ya tell?!
Welp, those 32 Americans have returned safely (despite a miner incident with a little boy, a rock, and a bus window) to campus and classes have begun! Update you on those next time! See ya! :)
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